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“Provocative, conspiracy-laden, entertaining, and delightfully crafted” – reviews of Million Eyes: Extra Time are in

I’ve been getting some super-positive press for Million Eyes: Extra Time, the free-to-download short story collection that introduces you to the world (and antagonists) of my upcoming novel, Million Eyes, out on January 10th.

Jill-Elizabeth awarded the book 5 stars, which she says is a rarity for her. She writes on her blog, All Things Jill-Elizabeth, that it is “the most excellent world-introduction [she’s] seen in some time” and that the glimpses into the upcoming trilogy are “provocative, conspiracy-laden, entertaining, and delightfully crafted”. Her review can be read here.

Meanwhile, Eamonn Murphy, who writes for SFCrowsnest, says that the Million Eyes universe “is very like our own universe but with time travel and conspiracy theories added for fun”. He jovially adds, “All of the conspiracy theories are true! It was the time travellers what did it.” He goes on to say that I have a “very readable style” and that the plots are clever. He draws attention to the fact that the collection is free before saying, “Obviously, that’s a cunning ploy to get you to buy ‘Million Eyes’ the novel when it comes out but I think the ploy might work.” The full review is here.

Writing for Storgy Magazine, Sandra Hould calls Million Eyes: Extra Time a “true gem to read for all lovers of conspiracies”. She describes how the conspiracies are “so well knitted into the narrative” and that while reading “we forget that it is fantasy and it becomes so real”. Sandra’s review can be read here.

I’ve also had a couple of people review the book on Goodreads. One reviewer called it “well written with characters you long to know more about” and that “each story makes you stop and think and question things you have always believed”. Another confessed to not being a big reader and being drawn to the collection because she could dip in and out of it, but admitted that she was “hooked and promptly consumed this extra time in its entirety”. She added that she enjoyed piecing together the cross-story connections.

If you’ve read Million Eyes: Extra Time and would like to write me a short review on Goodreads or your own blog, that would be fantastic and I’d love you forever 😀 . As you know, reviews are what we authors need. More than anything else, it’s reviews (well, good ones!) that encourage others to read our work. If you write a review, let me know and I’ll post about it on here and on social media and link to you.

In other news, I’ve fixed dates for two book launches in March, right after the release of the paperback on 9th. The first will take place on Friday 13th (yes, you heard correctly) at Waterstones in Farnham, Surrey. The second will take place on Friday 20th at the Nantwich Bookshop & Cafe in, er, Nantwich, a lovely little town up in Cheshire. Both events start at 7pm. More details nearer the time! (I’m also looking to arrange a third launch in London, but nothing further on that yet.)

Finally, you may have seen on social media that the blog of the novel’s main character, Gregory Ferro, has been launched and can be found here: Please note that it has spoilers for the first two chapters but no more than you would’ve got from reading the extract in Million Eyes: Extra Time.

And you may have seen that the Million Eyes website has been fairly active of late 😉 . Here’s the latest news on driverless cars, MEphones, the Internet of Things and the 2G-3G switch-off.

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